Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting berry crops, such as cranberries and grapes...
Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in planting, cultivating, and harvesting berry crops, such as cranberries and grapes: Confers with manager to evaluate weather and soil conditions and to develop plans and procedures. Hires workers and explains and demonstrates field work-techniques and safety-regulations to inexperienced workers. Assigns duties, such as tilling soil, planting, cultivating, and spraying vines, and gathering berries, to farmworkers and oversees work activities. Attaches farm implement, such as disc, planter, and fertilizer, and herbicide spreader, to tractor, and drives tractor in fields to plant and cultivate vines. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May adjust and repair farm machinery. May irrigate fields. May cut plant runners and uprights to thin vines and stimulate growth, using pruning tools. May be identified according to location as Cranberry-Farm Supervisor (agriculture); Vineyard Supervisor (agriculture).