Drives trucks and tractors and performs variety of animal and crop raising duties as directed on general farm...
Drives trucks and tractors and performs variety of animal and crop raising duties as directed on general farm: Plows, harrows, and fertilizes soil, and cultivates, sprays, and harvests crops, using variety of tractor-drawn machinery [FARM-MACHINE OPERATOR (agriculture)]. Cares for livestock and poultry, observing general condition and administering simple medications to animals and fowls. Hauls feed to livestock during grass shortage and winter months. Operates, repairs, and maintains farm implements and mechanical equipment, such as tractors, gang plows, ensilage cutters, hay balers, cottonpickers, and milking machines. Repairs farm buildings, fences, and other structures. May irrigate crops. May haul livestock and products to market [TRUCK DRIVER, HEAVY (any industry); TRUCK DRIVER, LIGHT (any industry)]. Usually works year-round and may oversee casual and seasonal help during planting and harvesting.